Is Time Running Out: The Urgency for Full,
Final and Equitable Resolution of the South China Sea Imbroglio By Vinod Saighal*
In 2010 China surprised the world with its assertion
that it considered South China Sea as core interest at par with Taiwan and Tibet.
Around that time other countries were subjected to a stronger pitch by China on
issues that remain unresolved. The cumulative effect of its hardened posture made
the world and more so countries of the region as well as the major players sit up
and take note. It resulted in a definitive backlash. Sensing that it may have prematurely
disclosed its hand, the Chinese government hastily changed course and has now gone
out of its way to reassure the world of its peaceful rise. Meanwhile major developments
that have a bearing on the region have come to the fore. A deeper analysis of the
prevailing situation is indicative of opportunities that have surfaced. These could
conceivably allow for a transition to lasting peace in the region. A window of opportunity
that could hardly have been envisioned just a year ago has opened up. It is in the
interest of all regional players to seize this historic opportunity. The paper examines
the avenues that have opened up and explores the pathway for an enduring and just
settlement in the South China Sea.
Introductory Remarks
In moving forward to a sustainable and equitable
paradigm it has to be kept in mind that with Euro-Atlanticism being in comparative
retreat, Asia-Pacific and the Indian Ocean will now be the dominant theatres for
the rest of the Century. The economic strength of the region will again become a
magnet for countries from other parts of the world for commerce as well as for the
geopolitical realignments on a global scale that are bound to follow the shift of
the centre of gravity from the West after nearly three centuries of dominance to
the east. It is against this backdrop that the latest developments in the South
China Sea urgently beckon a settlement that should be ecologically sustainable,
economically just and equitable for all people living in the region. Hence, the
abstract from an earlier talk delivered in November 2010 at the HCMC Conclave should
remain in focus for the current dialogue as well. Quote “It is almost a historical
truism that whenever a major intervention in the geopolitical domain by a world
power takes place, it is seldom, if ever, possible to get back to the status quo
ante. Something on these lines has taken place in 2010 in South China Sea region,
where China’s military and economic surge has reached proportions that could
dwarf the combined might of the other countries having geographic contiguity to
the South China Sea”. Unquote
The Preponderance of the China Factor
At a North Asia-South Asia conference held not long
ago (5-6 March 2011) at Khatmandu, Nepal the invitee for delivering the keynote
address on the “Perspective of Peace and Security in Asia”, .said only
in half-seriousness that he could, realistically speaking, give the answer in one
word: ‘Awful’. Evidently, meaning thereby that he considered the prospects
for peace in the region as very bleak. The speaker** then went on to explain his
troubling comment at the very commencement of his talk. According to him the most
glaring sign was the awesome armaments build up by some of the most important countries
in East, Southeast and South Asia as a direct result of China’s stupendous
rise in its military capability and economic might. The ensuing paragraphs give
a glimpse of the military build up in the region on the part of China’s neighbors
to augment their security.
New Arms Race in the Region
China: China's buildup looms large. China's total defense spending
was $78 billion in 2010, up from $17 billion in 2001, according to government reports.
Western defense officials say those totals do not include arms imports. The U.S.
Defense Department has estimated that China's total military-related spending in
2009 was $150 billion. China does not disclose details about arms purchases. Figures
made public by the Russian government indicate that China spent more than $17 billion
on Russian arms imports between 2001 and 2010. Adding that figure to Chinese spending
on domestic arms procurement Western defense experts estimate that China has spent
about $150 billion on new weapons over the past decade.
India: Six 217-foot Scorpène-class attack submarines to be built over the next few
years in addition to stealth frigates and guided-missile destroyers. It is augmenting
its military strength in several other areas. It purchased eight maritime reconnaissance
and antisubmarine aircraft from Boeing Co. for $2.1 billion in 2009, and the government
recently approved an order for another four, says an Indian navy spokesman. The
goal is to upgrade India's snooping capabilities and replace outdated Russian planes.
Several aerospace firms are in the running for an estimated $10.5 billion contract
for 126 fighter jets India's largest-ever defense order.
Other ASEAN & East Asia Nations: In December 2010, Japan overhauled its defense
guidelines, laying plans to purchase five submarines, three destroyers, 12 fighter
jets, 10 patrol planes and 39 helicopters. South Korea and Vietnam are adding submarines.
Arms imports are on the rise in Malaysia. The tiny city-state of Singapore, which
plans to add two submarines, is now among the world's top 10 arms importers. Australia
plans to spend as much as $279 billion over the next 20 years on new submarines,
destroyers and fighter planes. Together, these efforts amount to a simultaneous
buildup of advanced weaponry in the Asia-Pacific region on a scale and at a speed
not seen since the Cold War arms race between America and the Soviet Union. South
Korea and Vietnam are expected to get six more submarines apiece by 2020. Australia
plans to add 12 over the next 20 years. Singapore, Indonesia and Malaysia are each
adding two. Together, the moves constitute one of the largest buildups of submarines
since the early years of the Cold War. Asian nations are expected to buy as many
as 111 subs over the next 20 years, according to AMI International, which provides
market research to governments and shipbuilders. Australia's planned $279 billion
of military spending over the next 20 years will fund the biggest expansion of its
military since World War II. In December 2010 Japan overhauled its defense guidelines,
drawn up in the Cold War and directed principally at the Soviet Union, to focus
more on China. The new guidelines call for spending as much as $284 billion between
2011 and 2015 to modernize Japan's Self-Defense Forces. Japan proposed deploying
more U.S. Patriot missiles, prompting China to protest that such a move would trigger
a regional arms race.
Taiwan. According to a lawmaker in Taipei, Taiwan has deployed a new supersonic
missile on its warships in the latest response to China’s rapid naval expansion.
Military authorities were reportedly mulling deploying the Hsiung Feng III –
the first locally developed supersonic anti-ship missile on mobile launchers, Lin
Yu- fang, of the Kuomintang party, said in a statement quoting Vice Admiral Lee
Hao. “Several types of warships have been armed with Hsiung Feng IIIs (Brave
Wind)”, the statement said. It was not clear how many missiles would be produced
but according to Lin, eight Perry class frigates and seven patrol boats will be
fitted with the weapon. Analysts say Hsiung Feg III, designed to cruise at a maximum
speed of mach 2.0 or twice the speed of sound with a range of up to 130 kilometres
(80 miles) are difficult to defend against. Taiwan’s defence ministry has
expressed alarm at China’s naval buildup although experts say it may still
take time for the People’s Liberation Army to operate its first carrier group
complete with fighter jets. Taiwan plans to build a new ‘stealth’ warship
armed with guided-missiles next year in response, military officers have said. Agence
france –presse reproduced in The Statesman New Delhi Monday 9 May 2011, P
# 13
South Korea is worried about China's continued support for North Korea, and that
growing Chinese military power will limit U.S. capacity to intervene if war breaks
out on the Korean peninsula. In 2006, South Korea launched a 15-year military-modernization
program projected to cost about $550 billion, with about one-third slated for arms
purchases. The program has since been reviewed after two attacks on the South by
the North last year. Military analysts expect South Korea to spend more on conventional
weapons designed to defend it against the North, including submarines, destroyers,
F-15 fighter jets and possibly F-35s.
Vietnam and China, once steadfast allies against the U.S, are now feuding over Chinese
territorial claims in the oil-and-gas-rich South China Sea. Vietnam does not have
an economy or budget big enough to go toe-to-toe with China procuring weapons. In
lieu of a big arms buildup, it is opening up a prized military asset, its deep-water
port in Cam Ranh Bay, in the hopes that foreign navies will steam into the South
China Sea and help secure the region's shipping lanes. "Offering Cam Ranh Bay to
foreign navies is a master stroke," says Carlyle Thayer, a professor at the Australian
Defence Force Academy at the University of New South Wales. "It will attract precisely
those navies that can be expected to keep China's naval ambitions in check." (Contributions
by Julian E. Barnes, Patrick Barta, Tom Wright and others).
Meanwhile the Russian government announced a US $ 650 billion programme
for further augmenting its formidable military capability. Prime Minister Vladimir
Putin has promised to re-arm the Russian armed forces and make Russia one of the
world’s top five economies over the next decade, arguing the country must
be strong to resist foreign interference. Speaking in Parliament, Mr. Putin laid
out a $700-billion programme of across–the-board modernization of Russia’s
war arsenals by 2020. The production of ballistic missiles will be doubled from
2013; the armed forces will induct new missile systems, such as the long-range RS-24
Yars and Bulova and the short–range Iskander, and the S-500 anti-missiles
capable of knocking down targets in space. “We must completely re-equip the
armed forces in the next 10 years,” he said. By Vladimir Radyhin The Hindu,
Thursday April 21, 2011.P#16
What About the US? The occasion: the ceremonial cutting of the first piece of a
$15 billion aircraft carrier slated to weigh anchor in 2020. That ship-still unnamed-will
follow the just-as-costly Gerald R .Ford, now 20% built and due to set sail in 2015.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the world, China is putting the final touches on
a new class of DF-21 missiles expressly designed to sink the Ford and its sister
ship as well as their 5,000-person crews. China’s missiles, which will likely
cost about $10 million each, could keep the Navy’s carriers so far away from
Taiwan that the short-range aircraft they bear would be useless in any conflict
over the tiny island’s fate. “It points to an almost tragic irony of
Washington’s $700 billion annual appetite from military stores: we are borrowing
cash from China to pay for weapons that we would presumably use against it. If the
Chinese want to slay us, they don’t need to attack us with their missiles.
They just have to call in their loans. We are an increasingly muscle-bound nation:
we send $1 billion destroyers, with crews of 300 each, to handle five Somali pirates
in a fiberglass skiff.” By Mark Thompson, Time Magazine April 25, 2011 P #18
Some Later Developments. . China’s decision to hold the BRICS Summit at Sanya,
located at the Southern tips of the Hainan island was hardly accidental. The strategic
symbolism of Sanya and the Hainan Islands is that Sanya is located close to the
disputed Xisha (Paracel) and Nansha (Spratly) Islands in the South China Sea, which
China has recently declared as an area of “core interest,” like Tibet
and Taiwan. The Hainan submarine base, where five nuclear submarines, each armed
with 12 nuclear-tipped ICBMS are deployed in underground caves will also be the
home of China’s first aircraft carrier, located adjacent to Sanya. Chinese
naval power concentrated in Sanya has evoked serious concern in both ASEAN and India.
According to an Indian diplomat, hosting the BRICS Summit in Sanya was evidently
a not too subtle message to the world about China’s growing military muscle.
G. Parthasarthy, The Pioneer New Delhi Thursday April 28, 2011 P# 8
Adding it all Up
Adding up the costs, it leaves
little to the imagination that unless the trend toward the awesome arms build up
is first halted and then reversed – an unlikely proposition going by current
trends - armed conflicts or skirmishes could become routine. The total costs of
the armaments intake adds up to several trillion dollars. The build up is so gigantic
in scale and diversity that should a skirmish between the contenders blow up into
a larger conflict involving several interested countries the overall damage could
be so extensive that at one extreme it could put paid to China’s global superpower
ambitions and at the other considerably affect the economic well-being of several
ASEAN countries, besides inflicting damage on other countries. Evidently, de-escalation
cannot commence without China taking the lead or at the very least arriving at an
equitable and just resolution of the South China Sea dispute.
The (Overwhelming) Preponderance of the Environmental Factor
Well before 2020 – possibly by 2015 –
climate change, global warming and ecological degradation factors, collectively
being put under the heading ‘Environmental Factor’ will overwhelm China
and all other countries around the disputed area. China already faces severe problems
posed by rampant desertification, polluted rivers and depleted ground water reserves.
By 2020, China will have 130 million cars; by 2040, even more cars than the United
States. Taking into account that China obtains 70 per cent of its energy needs from
coal and that it typically uses six to seven times more energy to produce a dollar
of output than do developed economies, the extent of the calamity that may engulf
China and, by extension, the world becomes clear. According to China’s own
official estimates, the effects of chronic pollution, large-scale damming, and climate
change have combined to make for a situation where 70 percent of the country’s
rivers and lakes are polluted to some degree, with 28 percent being too polluted
even for irrigation or industrial use. A recent World Bank report estimates the
health costs related to outdoor air pollution in urban China in 2003 to be between
157 billion Yuan ($21 billion) and 520 billion Yuan ($69 billion) – depending
on the method of calculation used. This means 1.2 to 3.8 per cent of GDP. Faced
with this critical situation, the Chinese government has little choice but to start
taking serious measures to counteract and slow down environmental degradation even
if it means putting the brakes on economic growth. There are obvious lessons for
India to draw as it pushes toward matching economic growth at a pace that the environment
may not be able to sustain.
The crisis in Japan has been described as "a nuclear war without a war". Its potential
repercussions, which are yet to be fully assessed, are far more serious than the
Chernobyl disaster, as acknowledged by several scientists. The Japanese government
has been obliged to acknowledge that "the severity rating of its nuclear crisis
matches that of the 1986 Chernobyl disaster". Moreover, the dumping of highly radioactive
water into the Pacific Ocean constitutes a potential trigger to a process of global
radioactive contamination. Radioactive elements have not only been detected in the
food chain in Japan, radioactive rain water has been recorded in California:
"Hazardous radioactive elements being released in the sea and air around Fukushima
accumulate at each step of various food chains (for example, into algae, crustaceans,
small fish, bigger fish, then humans; or soil, grass, cow's meat and milk, then
humans). Entering the body, these elements - called internal emitters - migrate
to specific organs such as the thyroid, liver, bone, and brain, continuously irradiating
small volumes of cells with high doses of alpha, beta and/or gamma radiation, and
over many years often induce cancer". Scientists say that over the next 30 years
there is an 87 percent chance that a massive Tokai earthquake will strike – and
the Hamaoka plant stands near the centre of the earthquake’s anticipated focal area.
China admits Three Gorges Dam problems
In a rare admission China has acknowledged that the biggest dam in the world, Three
Gorges, on the Yangtze River, has caused a range of environmental problems that
need to be urgently addressed. A statement issued after a cabinet meeting headed
by Premier Wen Jiabao said while the project had played a key role in flood prevention
and power generation, it had caused severe problems to the environment, shipping
agricultural and water supplies in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, an area
of 633,000 sq km shared by eight provinces. The Three Gorges Project, built with
a budget of USD 22.5 billion, is a multi-functional water control system, consisting
of a dam, a five-tier ship dock and 26 hydropower turbo-generators. The official
admission came as a lingering drought in central and southern China has left residents
and livestock without drinking water and dried up rivers across the lower reaches
of the Yangtze River. “In China’s thousands of years of civilisation, the conflict
between humankind and nature has never been as serious as it is today,” China’s
environment minister, Zhou Shengxian, said recently. “The depletion, deterioration
and exhaustion of resources and the worsening ecological environment have become
bottlenecks and grave impediments to the nation’s economic and social development.”
What China’s minister is telling us, says Gilding, is that “the Earth is full”.
Thomas L. Friedman The New York Times, The Indian Express New Delhi Thursday June
9, 2011 P # 13
Sea Levels to Rise by 35” to 63” Due to Arctic Ice Melting
A new assessment of climate change in the Arctic shows the region’s ice and snow
are melting faster than previously thought and sharply raises projections of global
sea level rise this century .According to a report by the international Arctic Monitoring
and Assessment Program( AMAP), the cover of sea ice on the Arctic Ocean is shrinking
faster. The level of summer ice coverage has been in near record lows ever since
2001, it said, predicting that the Arctic Ocean will be nearly ice free in summer
within 30-40 years. The Economic Times New Delhi Monday 23 May 23, 2011 P# 23
The world's oceans are faced with an unprecedented loss of species comparable to
the great mass extinctions of prehistory, a major report suggests. The seas are
degenerating far faster than anyone has predicted, the report says, because of the
cumulative impact of a number of severe individual stresses, ranging from climate
warming and sea-water acidification, to widespread chemical pollution and gross
over-fishing. The coming together of these factors is now threatening the marine
environment with a catastrophe "unprecedented in human history", according to the
report, from a panel of leading marine scientists brought together in Oxford earlier
this year by the International Programme on the State of the Ocean (IPSO) and the
International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN). The stark suggestion
made by the panel is that the potential extinction of species, from large fish at
one end of the scale to tiny corals at the other, is directly comparable to the
five great mass extinctions in the geological record, during each of which much
of the world's life died out. The panel of 27 scientists, who considered the latest
research from all areas of marine science, concluded that a "combination of stressors
is creating the conditions associated with every previous major extinction of species
in Earth's history". They concluded that the speed and rate of degeneration of the
oceans is far faster than anyone has predicted. Besides, many of the negative impacts
identified are greater than the worst predictions. The report also said that the
first steps to globally significant extinction may have already begun. The panel
of experts "found firm evidence" that the effects of climate change, coupled with
other human-induced impacts such as over-fishing and nutrient run-off from farming,
have already caused a dramatic decline in ocean health. COURTESY: THE INDEPENDENT.
By Michael McCarthy, The Times of India New Delhi Wednesday, June 22, 2011 P# 21.
In India there is great anxiety over the reported diversion of the Brahmaputra water
by China, which is constructing several dams over most, if not all rivers flowing
into the countries of South and South East Asia from the Tibetan Plateau. Like the
irreversible damage that has occurred in the Three Gorges dam (now that the dam
is in place, apparently no amount of money can fix the problem) in the post-Fukushima
era, one can hope that governments would far more carefully study the geology around
the mega projects that China seems to be bent upon going ahead with, unmindful of
the consequences for the countries through which these rivers flow to the sea, seriously
affecting the deltaic regions where population density is the highest. Such has
been the case with the Indus River delta in Pakistan. These 'irreversible' issues
should trigger fresh researches into the most seismic region on the planet: the
Tibetan plateau. The officials planning the construction of myriads of dams on the
Tibetan rivers should take into account the seismic conditions before starting the
constructions. This cannot be solved once dams are built.
Conclusions from the Environmental Imperilment of the Region
From the snippets of environmental imperilment mentioned above it should become
evident that unless China, ASEAN, India and the other countries on the periphery
collectively come together to save the region from further environmental decline,
seemingly important, but relatively insignificant disputes like the South China
Sea stand off between China and several ASEAN countries or border disputes could
soon become minor blips against the approaching cataclysms that could soon engulf
all countries. The earthquake and tsunami that has prostrated Japan is a definite
precursor to similar threats faced by all other countries in the neighborhood. China’s
frenzied mega projects of diversion of water from Tibetan rivers flowing through
several countries dependent upon them as well as the construction of numerous damns
is bound to lead to induced seismic tremors of much higher intensities - within
China and the neighboring countries. No joint studies are being allowed by China
on the effects of these rapid fire activities on the ecology or long-term effects
on the populations of the lower riparian states dependent on these very waterways.
Inter-basin river authorities that should have been set up before indulging in unilateral
schemes that can have long-term deleterious effects on the ecology, climate and
geomorphology of all its neighbors have not been countenanced by China. It is reflective
of an attitude that permeates China’s relations with its neighbors in many other
Within the lifetime of the present generation or probably the next, sea-level rise
will threaten all coastal habitations that from time immemorial have nurtured the
densest human settlements. It used to be said that time is running out for the inhabitants
of the planet. For those who can look ahead, time has already run out. If the leaders
of countries involved in petty squabbles, when measured against the major survival
threats, are unable to settle their differences amicably civil societies in these
countries must come together to enlarge the dialogue to ward off the common dangers
in the borrowed time that might still remain. In sum the environmental imperative
dwarfs all other considerations that govern relations between countries.
The Extra-Regional Players
The well-known writer Nayan Chanda in a recent comment has noted that China’s rise
in Asia has faithfully tracked the eruption of tensions between the US (and even
the Soviet Union) and its erstwhile partners. China had long claimed islands of
the South China Sea, but only launched its first attack to capture the Paracels
from South Vietnam in 1974 when Washington signaled its disinterest in defending
its ally. The next attack on the communist Vietnam occupied Spratly Islands came
when a weak Soviet Union was unwilling to come to its treaty ally’s defence. Similarly,
says Chanda the violent suppression of pro-democracy forces in Burma in 1988 and
the subsequent isolation of the country opened the door for China to emerge as the
junta’s most influential backer. China made further advances in the South China
Sea when it took over the Philippines-claimed Mischief Reef in 1995 - three years
after Manila stopped hosting US military bases in the country. The 1997 coup in
Phnom Penh, which brought condemnation of the Hun Sen regime, saw China once again
step in with economic and military aid. As a result, it now counts Cambodia as a
close ally. Nayan Chanda, The Times of India, New Delhi Saturday May 14, 2011 P#24
According to Joseph S Nye a Chinese military posture that is too aggressive could
produce a countervailing coalition among its neighbors, thereby weakening China’s
hard and soft power. In 2010, for example, as China became more assertive in its
foreign policy towards its neighbors, its relations with India, Japan and South
Korea suffered. As a result, Nye avers, China will find it more difficult to exclude
the US from Asia’s security arrangements. Joseph S Nye, Times of India, New Delhi
April 27, 2011
Meanwhile, notwithstanding the reduced number of US forces deployed in the Pacific,
the US has not remained passive to Chinese naval build-up in the region. It is increasing
its capability to operate in Asia by deploying more forces in Guam, coordination
with Japan in interoperability, sale of advanced weapon systems to Taiwan, deployment
of anti-missile systems and increasing surveillance of Chinese naval deployments.
Overall, most Asian countries prefer the US to maintain a strong presence in the
Asia Pacific region to ensure a degree of deterrence to Chinese ambitions in the
America's stake in Asia is enormous - nearly a trillion dollars in annual trade,
billions of dollars of investment, to say nothing of the security of its allies,
its global standing and the importance of the South China Sea that carries a third
of the world's trade. Concrete reasons aside, for the US not to counter perceptions
of declining commitment to the region would undermine its influence.
Conclusions from the Environmental Imperilment of the Region
Going by the preceding paragraphs it is hardly any wonder that countries threatened
by China would want the USA to remain in the region as a counter to China’s growing
power and aggressiveness. Periodic bouts of reasonableness and good neighborly solicitude
emanating from Beijing hardly reassure China’s neighbors, who by now are well-versed
in Chinese art of warfare and diplomacy as practiced by it through the ages.
India be described as an Extra-Regional Power
As China’s military demonstrates greater capability, and China shows greater assertiveness,
a number of countries are looking at the US as a hedge to make sure they can maintain
their independence, security and stability. Of late these allies have started questioning
whether the United States can retain its freedom to operate in the region, and whether
its economy, so highly dependent on China and struggling with recession, can sustain
its high level of military spending and far off deployments. The doubt about future
US capabilities or their efficacy has automatically made them look towards India
as the regional balancer.
The anxiety about China includes Australia that now wishes India to take the lead
in forging an Asia-Pacific community on the lines of the European Union. During
his visit to India in 2009, Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd expressed that
India was central to Asia-Pacific community and Australia and India ought to be
natural partners in this region where big power rivalries would have to be ‘harmonised
and reconciled’. A Positive step in this relationship was the signing of the Joint
Declaration on Security Cooperation in Nov 2009 between the two countries. (Australian
PM Rudd’s visit to India Dec 2009, Australian Deputy Secretary (Strategy)
Similar overtures have been made to India from time to time by Japan, South Korea
and the majority of the ASEAN countries. It was only in 1992 that India belatedly
and reluctantly launched the ‘Look East’ policy. India is now the 3rd largest economy
in Asia after China and Japan. Whatever China may make of it, none of the ASEAN
countries, East Asian or for that matter Asia-Pacific countries look upon India
as anything other than a benign presence. India, in fact, lends balanced multi-polarity
to the South China Sea region and the whole of Asia, if not the world. India can
by no stretch of imagination be considered an extra-regional player, like for example
the United States of America for the simple reason that over the millennia Indian
culture and thought pervaded all countries around it, spreading as far East as China,
Japan and Korea. As a matter of fact, Chinese writers of the earlier centuries were
wont to describe the country beyond the Himalayas as the ‘Western Heaven’. Millennia
of peace, goodwill and harmony with the Indic influences have nurtured in all its
East Asian neighbors a profound sense of comfort with its presence. To this day
India remains a force for stability.
Blueprint for Resolve
Elementary first steps that might help in the resolution of the contentious SCS
issues that were spelled out at the conference held in Ho Chi Minh City in November
2010 by the speaker that could have formed the basis for lasting peace in the region
are listed below:
- Declaration of the Paracel and Spratley group of islands in the South China Sea
as a marine ecology park;
- Pledge to halt further occupation, construction activity, militarization or stationing
of naval ships in the Spratleys as well as the Paracels;
- Gradual dismantling of existing military structures by a given date (say 31 December
2012) and further declaration of the SCS as a Zone of Peace.
- A common approach to exploitation of natural resources in the areas under dispute.
A Resource Exploitation Commission of countries contiguous to the disputed islands
should be empowered to undertake exploitation on behalf of all parties and proceeds
to be shared on a pro rata or any other basis decided by the Commission and ratified
by the concerned countries;
- All further exploitation to cease till the Commission has completed its work and
obtained ratification.
Proposals of this nature, including more elaborate ones have been put forward by
several experts from within ASEAN and from elsewhere from time to time. Evidently,
they have not been found acceptable by some or one of the parties to the dispute.
Up to the end of 2010 the dispute could have been allowed to linger on. That is
no longer the case. The rapid acquisition of the new generation of armaments by
the contenders to the dispute as well as the overwhelming preponderance of the environmental
imperative do not allow for the luxury of further delay in the amicable resolution
of the South China Sea disputes. Fresh avenues that could be explored are listed
- Diplomacy through regional chambers of commerce, academia; people-to-people contacts;
- An inter-country group of experts to examine the common elements of survival;
- What are the elements that can be seen as enablers;
- Non-traditional security issues;
- Can the humanitarian aspects of the region be ignored (in view of climate change);
- Is it reasonable to assume that the command and control of the major sea lanes and
passage vest with a single country;
- Is the dominance pattern of SCS solely motivated by economic considerations or is
it linked to geo-strategic domination of the region;
- What are the longer-term challenges facing the SCS nations as a whole.
In nutshell, the aspects that divide and prevent resolutions of the disputes are
unilateralism and developing over-militarization of the region, the latter being
an extremely worrisome development. Aspects that point the way towards resolution
relate to the environment, geography and commerce. At the earliest, the nations
involved in the dispute should enter into N-F-U type of accord (borrowing the concept
from nuclear deterrence) so that a clash between weapons of greater destructive
potential like submarines is avoided. The No-First-Use concept automatically suggests
certain other measures of similar type that can be introduced to prevent sudden
escalation. These can be gone into by committees set up for the purpose.
Concluding Remarks
Dr. Edward De Bono, lateral thinking guru and inventor of Six Hats Theory has this
to say about India-China relations: “If India can partner China, the two can become
a super power in a short time. Alternately, if India and China can form a coalition
for bringing other developing nations under its fold, it can beat all other super
powers. (The Economic Times, New Delhi, 18 September 2007) * Through several millennia
Chinese civilization has influenced its neighbors. It enriched them culturally,
through its scientific advances and commerce. Once again, after the humiliations
visited on it in the preceding century, China has come into its own. Its phenomenal
economic leap has showered benefits on all its neighbors, China having become ASEAN’s
largest trade partner. Large Chinese communities are present in practically all
countries in South East Asia. They too have enhanced trade and contributed to the
richness of the societies in which they have remained embedded for generations.
China’s assertiveness, some would call it over-assertiveness, stems from the legacy
of its troubled history. The grave problems that threaten the viability of life
on the planet require the emerging great powers, especially China to take the lead
in tackling them. Viewed against the magnitude of the planetary decline that is
taking place before our eyes with each passing year, the ridiculously petty disputes
over a few islands in the South China Sea should hardly be leading the nations around
it to over-militarization that could build up its own irreversible momentum. Should
a major conflagration develop with the newer types of weapons being inducted into
the arsenals of each country the situation could get completely out of hand with
dangerous consequences all round. It is to be hoped that well before such a situation
develops good sense will prevail.
*Speaker's profile:
*General Vinod Saighal retired from the Indian Army in 1995 from the post of Director
General Military Training. Before that he had several active command assignments,
including the command of an independent armoured formation and mountain and desert
divisions. He has held an assignment with the UN Peacekeeping forces as well as
tenure in Iran. He had served as the country's Military Attache in France and BENELUX.
He speaks several languages including French and Persian. Currently he is the Executive
Director of Eco Monitors Society a non-governmental organization concerned with
demography and ecology. After retirement, he founded the Movement for Restoration
of Good Government. He has lectured extensively in India and abroad on several burning
issues of the day. Vinod Saighal was invited to join the 'Institutional Advisory
Board' of USFSS (US Federation of Scientists and Scholars) in 2000. He has been
International Conseiller to Centre d'Etude et de Prospective Strategique (CEPS),
Paris, France since 1995. He is the author of the internationally acclaimed book
'Third Millennium Equipoise'. Additionally, he has authored Restructuring South
Asian Security, Restructuring Pakistan, Dealing with Global Terrorism: The Way Forward
and Global Security Paradoxes: 2000-2020. His first book was selected at the Caracas
International Book Fair in November 2008 for a Spanish edition (title: Equilibrio
en el Tercer Milenio).
AND SECURITY IN ASIA (Talk delivered in Khatmandu on March 5,
2011 at the 2nd North and South Asia Joint Conference of IPPNW) by Vinod Saighal