Vinod Saighal’s book compels attention for several reasons. To begin
with the Model for Restoration of Good Government (MRGG), a universal
model that he unveiled in October 1995 found resonance around the
country and some parts of the world, including the United Nations. It
was translated into several languages. There are other firsts in the
book. The author has covered an amazingly large spectrum in pursuance of
his single-minded quest for a better India. He brings to it a
perspective that is original and refreshing. In fact, it is rare to find
such broad spectrum analysis from a single source. Many of the
formulations would appeal to audiences in countries facing similar
decline in the functioning of their democracies.
In a series of talks delivered in 2010, 11 and 12 (Reconciling Coalition
Dharma, Good Governance, National Security; Is the Constitution being
constitutionally Undermined? Judicial Activism: Panacea, Bane or Boon)
the author highlighted the terminal degeneracy that has set in at the
very apex of governance. In similar vein he has expressed the view that
in spite of the judiciary being accused in government circles of
over-activism, in actual fact the judiciary has been reluctant to
intervene, merely lamenting the decline in governance in several of
their judgments. He goes on to say that had the judiciary been more
assertive the present decline in practically all areas of governance
could have been arrested much earlier. Relating to hardened criminals
becoming legislators, their
combined strength in the Electoral College
will soon be larger than that of the national parties. Should the
present trend continue, by giving a call for unity amongst their
fraternity, they could hypothetically place an arch-criminal in the Rashtrapati Bhawan in the not
too distant future.
General Vinod Saighal retired from the Indian Army in 1995 from the post of Director General Military Training. Before that he had several active command assignments, including the command of an independent armoured formation and mountain and desert divisions. He has held an assignment with the UN peacekeeping forces as well as a tenure in Iran . He had served as the country's Military Attache in France and BENELUX, additionally overseeing Spain and Portugal. He speaks several languages including French and Persian. Currently he is the Executive Director of Eco Monitors Society a non-governmental organization concerned with demography and ecology. After retirement, he founded the Movement for Restoration of Good Government. He has lectured extensively in India and abroad on several burning issues of the day. Vinod Saighal was invited to join the 'Institutional Advisory Board' of USFSS (US Federation of Scientists and Scholars) in 2000. He has been International Conseiller to Centre d'Etude et de Prospective Strategique (CEPS), Paris , France since 1995. He is the author of the internationally acclaimed book 'Third Millennium Equipoise'. Additionally, he has authored Restructuring South Asian Security, Restructuring Pakistan , Dealing with Global Terrorism: The Way Forward and Global Security Paradoxes: 2000-2020. His first book was selected at the Caracas International Book Fair in November 2008 for a Spanish edition (title: Equilibrio en el Tercer Milenio).
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